Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair

Neurological diseases and injuries are among the most debilitating medical conditions affecting millions of people each year. Few effective treatments for these disorders currently exist, in part because we know very little about the mechanisms underlying these conditions and how to prevent or repair neural damage. The Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair FAR seeks to tackle this problem by providing training in three main areas: 1) Elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms that establish neural circuitry during embryonic and postnatal development, 2) Exploring mechanisms of aging and neurodegeneration caused by injury or diseases, and 3) Exploring ways in which neural tissue damage can be prevented or repaired. The Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair FAR will draw upon the broad expertise at UCLA in the areas of stem cell differentiation, neural development, neurodegenerative diseases, plasticity and restoration of function after injury to the central nervous system. The faculty associated with the FAR includes basic and clinical scientists, many of whom bridge the gap between the laboratory and advances in therapies for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s, as well as brain and spinal cord injuries. The Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair FAR curriculum includes training in broad areas of cellular, molecular and system neuroscience, completed with specialized courses in Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair, a weekly journal club focused on the current literature, weekly presentations by trainees and faculty, and seminars from renowned investigators in the field. Students are encouraged to explore areas at the junction of multiple fields, to use multiple technical approaches, and to engage in collaborations between laboratories. The Neural Development, Degeneration, and Repair FAR also will build upon the success of their NIH-sponsored Training Program in Neural Repair. The goal is to train a cadre of young investigators that are fully prepared for the changing culture of science while retaining a solid background in their main area of expertise.
List of Faculty:
Ajijola, Olujimi A. | Cardiac Neurobiology, Neuroplasticity after cardiac injury, Neural Control of Cardiopulmonary Function |
Akin, Orkun | Role of neural activity in brain development and synapse formation |
Arac, Ahmet | Mechanisms of motor behavior and neural activity relationship |
Arnold, Arthur | Sexual Differentiation of the Brain |
Askary, Amjad | Lineage and cell fate specification in the mammalian retina |
Bari, Ausaf | Invasive Human Brain Mapping for Reward, Addiction, Decision-Making and Motor Control |
Bhaduri, Aparna | Regulation of cell fate specification in normal human cortical development and glioblastoma, using single-cell approaches and cortical organoid models. |
Bitan, Gal | Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Black, Douglas | Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Neurons |
Bronstein, Jeff | Molecular Biology of Glia and Glial Tumors |
Butler, Samantha | Generating and regenerating neural circuitry in the spinal cord |
Carmichael Jr., Stanley | Neuroplasticity After Brain Injury |
Cramer, Steven C. | Neural plasticity after stroke in humans |
Daboussi, Lydia | Mechanisms of Plasticity for Neural Repair |
De Biase, Lindsay | Influence of microglial cells on normal and pathological circuit function |
de la Torre-Ubieta, Luis | Mechanisms of human neocortical development and neuropsychiatric disease using neural stem cell models and bioinformatic approaches. |
DeNardo, Laura | Assembly and function of neural circuits underlying adaptive behaviors |
Deng, Sophie X. | Development of cell-based therapies that regenerate the cornea and restore vision |
Dickson, Patricia | Neurodegeneration |
Dong, Hong Wei | Construction of the whole mouse brain wiring diagram |
Edgerton, V. Reggie | Neural Control of Movement and Neuromuscular Plasticity |
Ellingson, Benjamin | Neuro-Oncology Neuroimaging & Neuroimaging in Complex Neuropathologies |
Field, Greg | Systems neuroscience, visual processing, retinal neurophysiology, neural degeneration |
Fogel, Brent | Exploring the Molecular Basis of Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative Disease |
Fried, Itzhak | The Neuronal Basis of Human Memory; Ameliorating Memory Dysfunction with Stimulation |
Geschwind, Daniel | Neurogenetics, Systems Biology of Neurodevelopmental (e.g. Autism) and Neurodegenerative Disorders (Dementia and Ataxia) |
Giza, Christopher | Developmental Traumatic Brain Injury and Neuroplasticity |
Glanzman, David | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory |
Gomez-Pinilla, Fernando | Mechanisms of Neural Repair |
Guo, Ming | Studying Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disorders in Drosophila |
Guo, Zhefeng | Structural Biology of Amyloid-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Harris, Neil | Plasticity after Traumatic Brain Injury |
Hartenstein, Volker | Brain Development in Drosophila |
Hinman, Jason | Cellular and molecular mechanisms at the interface between stroke and dementia |
Houser, Carolyn | Morphological Organization and Plasticity of the GABA System; Neurochemical Anatomy of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy |
Hsiao, Elaine | Neurobiology of disease, neuroimmunology, microbiome-nervous system interactions |
Irwin, Michael | Psychoneuroimmunology |
Kagan, Bruce | Neurotoxicity Caused by Channel Forming Toxins |
Khakh, Baljit | Ion Channels, Glia and Synapses |
Kornblum, Harley | Neural Stem Cells and Brain Tumors |
Krantz, David | Using Drosophila to Study Neurotransmitter Transport, Synaptic Transmission, Behavior and Disease |
Lavretsky, Helen | Understanding neurobiology of resilience and aging in mood and cognitive disorders |
Lawrence, Rosalie | Stress-driven and metabolic mechanisms of neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration |
Leuchter, Andrew | Neurophysiology of Depression; Neurophysiologic Predictors of Treatment Outcome |
Levine, Michael | Neurophysiological Mechanisms Underlying Neurodegenerative Disorders |
Liau, Linda | Experimental Therapeutics for Brain Tumors |
Lu, Daniel | Regenerative Treatment |
MacKenzie-Graham, Allan | Understanding and preventing neurodegeneration |
Maidment, Nigel | Neuropharmacology of Substance Abuse |
Martin, Kelsey | Cell Biology of Learning-related Synaptic Plasticity |
Mathern, Gary | Biological Mechanisms Linked to Epilepsy |
Mayer, Emeran | Neurobiology of Stress, Pain and Emotion |
Mehta, Mayank | Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Learning and Memory, Sleep, Neural Oscillations, Neural Coding |
Mendizabal, Adys | Study of social and structural determinants of health and its impact in neurological outcomes: Health Disparities in Huntington’s Disease and Adverse Childhood Experiences across different neurological conditions |
Mody, Istvan | Synaptic Signaling in Health and Disease |
Nathanson, David | Research and drug development for malignant brain tumors |
Novitch, Bennett | Regulation of Stem and Progenitor Cell Specification and Differentiation in the Vertebrate Central Nervous System |
Nurmi, Erika | Pharmacogenomic factors in treatment of autisim, ADHD, anxiety and depression |
Papazian, Diane | Voltage Gated K Channels: Functional Mechanisms and Role in Neurodevelopment and Neurodegeneration |
Peng, Chao | Molecular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Phelps, Patricia | Neuronal Development - Cell Migration and Axon Outgrowth |
Portera-Cailliau, Carlos | Imaging the Assembly and Plasticity of Cortical Circuits with Two Photon Microscopy |
Prins, Mayumi Lynn | Pediatric Response to Traumatic Brain Injury |
Rexach, Jessica | Immune regulators of neurodegeneration; systems biology, functional genomics, experimental disease modeling |
Sagasti, Alvaro | Development of Complex Cell Shapes in Zebrafish Touch-Sensing Neurons |
Samarasinghe, Ranmal | Neural network formation and dysfunction in epilepsy and autism; stem cell models; brain organoids |
Sofroniew, Michael | Neural Injury and Repair |
Spigelman, Igor | Neuropharmacology |
Sun, Yi | The Molecular Control of Neural Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation |
Trachtenberg, Joshua | Understanding Cortical Plasticity from Synapses to Circuits |
Voskuhl, Rhonda | Neuroimmunology, Neuroendocrinology and Neuroprotection |
Wells, Michael | Discovery of autism disease mechanisms using mixed-donor human stem cell villages |
Williams, David | Retinal Cell Biology, Sensory Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration |
Yang, X. William | Mouse Genetic Approach to Study the Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Yang, Xian-Jie | Development and Diseases of the Vertebrate Neural Retina |
Zeiger, William | Investigating mechanisms of cortical circuit dysfunction in mouse models of neurologic diseases |
Zhang, Ye | Glia biology in health and disease |
Zheng, Jie J. | Therapeutic development in ophthalmology |
Zhou, Z. Hong | Studies structures of synaptic receptors, neuronal infections and neurodegenerative diseases by cryo electron microscopy (cryoEM). |
Zipursky, Larry S. | Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Neuronal Circuit Assembly |