Learning and Memory

The goal of learning and memory research is to understand how we allocate, acquire, retain, and retrieve information. By its very nature, this research is integrative and cross-disciplinary, incorporating molecular, cell biological, systems and behavioral level approaches to study synapses, neurons, circuits, brains and behavior. UCLA is internationally recognized for the excellence of its research in learning and memory. Together, its outstanding faculty cover molecular to systems approaches to the study of memory, working in model systems ranging from Aplysia to mouse to humans. Students in the Learning and Memory FAR will become part of this interactive and energetic community with organized, well-attended scientific activities, including a long-standing weekly Learning and Memory Journal Club, an annual Southern California Learning and Memory Symposium, and a myriad of other events that highlight the strengths of this community. Additional new courses are being developed to further enrich the training opportunities.

List of Faculty:

Adhikari, Avishek Neural control of emotional behaviors, with a focus on fear and anxiety
Arac, Ahmet Mechanisms of motor behavior and neural activity relationship
Bari, Ausaf Invasive Human Brain Mapping for Reward, Addiction, Decision-Making and Motor Control
Bearden, Carrie Neurodevelopmental Disorders; Cognition, Neuroimaging and Genetics of Mood Disorders and Psychosis
Bisley, James Cognitive Processing of Visual Information; Guidance of Eye Movements
Blair, Hugh Tad Learning and Memory; Neural Computation
Blaisdell, Aaron Learning and Behavior
Bookheimer, Susan Functional Neuroimaging of Language and Memory
Buonomano, Dean Neural Dynamics: Neural Basis of Learning and Temporal Processing
Cahill, Catherine Chronic pain and opioid addiction
Castrellon, Jaime Social and affective mechanisms of motivation and decision making
Churchland, Anne Sensory perception and decision-making.
Clewett, David Cognitive and neural mechanisms of emotional memory in humans
Coley, Austin Neural populations and circuits involved in stress and depression behaviors
Colwell, Christopher Neural Control of Behavior, Circadian Rhythms
Daboussi, Lydia Mechanisms of Plasticity for Neural Repair
DeNardo, Laura Assembly and function of neural circuits underlying adaptive behaviors
Deters, Kacie Risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia in Black individuals
Donlea, Jeffrey M. Sleep regulation, learning and memory
Fanselow, Michael Learning, Memory and Emotion
Fried, Itzhak The Neuronal Basis of Human Memory; Ameliorating Memory Dysfunction with Stimulation
Glanzman, David Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Golshani, Peyman Autism Spectrum Disorders and Developmental Epilepsies
Harper, Ronald Neural Mechanisms in Sleep State
Hong, Weizhe Neural Mechanisms of Social Behavior
Huk, Alex Neural computations underlying vision, cognition, and action
Izquierdo, Alicia Neuroscience of Decision making; Addiction
Knowlton, Barbara Neural Substrates of Higher Cognitive Functions
Lawrence, Rosalie Stress-driven and metabolic mechanisms of neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration
Leal, Stephanie Cognitive and neural mechanisms of emotional memory in healthy and disease states (e.g. depression, aging, Alzheimer's disease)
Liu, Zili How People See and Why They See The Way They Do?
Martin, Kelsey Cell Biology of Learning-related Synaptic Plasticity
Masmanidis, Sotiris Neural circuits of reward learning and motor control, addiction, movement disorders
Mathews, Paul Mechanisms of learning and memory, motor coordination
Mazziotta, John Neuroimaging, Brain Mapping
Mehta, Mayank Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Learning and Memory, Sleep, Neural Oscillations, Neural Coding
Mody, Istvan Synaptic Signaling in Health and Disease
O'Dell, Thomas Synaptic and Molecular Mechanisms in Learning and Memory Formation
Poe, Gina Investigating the mechanisms by which sleep traits serve learning and memory consolidation
Portera-Cailliau, Carlos Imaging the Assembly and Plasticity of Cortical Circuits with Two Photon Microscopy
Rissman, Jesse Cognitive and neural mechanisms of memory formation and retrieval in humans
Schweizer, Felix Molecular Mechanisms and Regulation of Synaptic Transmission
Siegel, Jerome Sleep, Motor Control
Silva, Alcino Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory
Spigelman, Igor Neuropharmacology
Suthana, Nanthia Neuromodulation and Neuroimaging of Human Learning and Memory
Trachtenberg, Joshua Understanding Cortical Plasticity from Synapses to Circuits
Wassum, Kate Behavioral Neuroscience, Learning and Behavior, Addiction
White, Stephanie Social Influences on Learning and Memory
Wikenheiser, Andrew Understanding how neural representations guide behavior
Wilke, Scott Role of prefrontal cortex circuits in adaptive and maladaptive decision making
Zhou, Z. Hong Studies structures of synaptic receptors, neuronal infections and neurodegenerative diseases by cryo electron microscopy (cryoEM).
Zylberberg, Joel Machine learning and information theory applied to visual neuroscience