Rachel Jonas

Follow Me For A Week


Come into lab and catch up on emails from the weekend. Make to-do list for the week. Have brief meeting with undergraduate SRPs to make a plan for the week. Work on preprocessing of fMRI data.

Run training session on new fMRI analysis method in lab for SRPs and other lab members. Focus on running statistics on my structural MRI data for the rest of the day.
I meet up with my group of girlfriends for dinner at one of our apartments for a weekly catch-up.
Lab meeting in the morning, and catch up with other lab members. In lab meeting, a post-doc gives a practice presentation for a job talk.
Focus on research, and attend lecture for undergraduate course I am TAing. Attend weekly Joint Seminars in Neuroscience lecture. Work on revisions for a manuscript I will be resubmitting.
Quiet night at home. Cook dinner and watch a movie.
Work on application for a training grant. Meet with statistics collaborator and my PI to discuss my project.
Run office hours and work on presentations I give during Friday discussion/review sessions. Finalize figures for manuscript revision.
Attend a weekly event put on by the UCLA Anderson School of Management (where my boyfriend is a student). This is a great way to meet people from other graduate programs at UCLA.
Run an MRI scan on a subject, and attend Brain Mapping Center lecture.
Attend undergraduate course lecture and complete presentations for Friday. Attend the Neuroimaging Journal Club, where we discuss new papers related to MRI methods. Catch up with undergraduate SRPs on their progress this week. Meet senior graduate student for coffee to ask advice about advanced courses.

Attend a UCLA basketball game at Pauley Pavilion. I try to attend as many basketball and football games throughout the year as possible, which is easy since students get such a great deal on the season pass!

Come into lab early and finish up any last minute prep for course. Teach two 75-minute classes for undergraduate course. During this class, I administer a quiz, run a group discussion of a recent paper, and review lecture material.
Grade quizzes from the morning lectures and take care of other paperwork and student concerns. Catch up on any loose ends from research from the week, and begin to prepare for upcoming lab meeting presentation on Aim 1 of my project.
Grab dinner and drinks in Westwood with friends in my cohort. We try to get together every couple of weeks to catch up, especially since we are no longer in core classes together.

Spend a couple of hours at my favorite coffee shop in LA, catching up on any writing or literature reading I need to do for my project.


Go on an afternoon hike with two of my girlfriends in Malibu. The weather is always great in LA, so we are able to hike year-round!

Group dinner in Santa Monica with my boyfriend and a group of our friends. We have a couple of go-to restaurants that we frequent, followed by drinks at a bar.

The first thing I do every Sunday morning is attend the Brentwood Farmer’s Market. It’s just around the corner from my apartment, and is my go-to spot for produce, fruits, and flowers (and they even have a petting zoo and pony rides!).

Meet up with some friends for a late brunch by the beach. Then, go food shopping (Trader Joes!), clean, and do laundry.
Relax at home, watch TV, and prepare myself for the upcoming week.